The Master Data Cleansing Myth

By |2019-08-07T13:37:44+00:00August 7th, 2019|Quick Reads|

At QuadraDot, our consulting division often gets approached with the following project proposal: go through the master data of a company and standardize all names and descriptions so that our master data will finally be clean. While we have the knowledge and ability to complete this task, the reality is that this is at best a temporary solution and at worst, a complete waste of time and money.When a company has existing material descriptions, they very often do not exist in a vacuum. The purchasing department as well as engineers, mechanics and warehouse staff are usually, in some form or [...]

Material Masters – Safe Harbor On A Sea Of Digital Ubiquity

By |2019-07-16T17:14:10+00:00February 2nd, 2019|Quick Reads|

In today’s über-competitive marketplace, it’s no surprise to anyone that how an enterprise does business is in a process of metamorphosis. Rapidly disappearing into the mists of time is the old model where a storekeeper merely keeps his shelves stocked so that whenever customers stop by, they can choose from the selection of supplies currently on hand. Or, perhaps created to order like a merchant ship maker building a clipper ship for a waiting customer. Not that the old model has faded entirely, but today it’s inarguably an evolving marketplace, due largely to a transformation by digital technology.  According to [...]

What is a Material Master?

By |2019-07-16T15:37:02+00:00June 25th, 2018|Questions|

The material master record contains all information about the materials a company procures, manufactures, stores and ships. The material master database contains descriptions of all materials that an enterprise procures, produces, and keeps in stock. It is the central repository of information on materials for the enterprise. The integration of all material data in a single materials database eliminates the problem of data redundancy and permits the data to be used not only by Purchasing, but also by other business departments and applications.The end goal of a material mastering project is a unique description for each material with consistent names [...]

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